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Version: 6.4

与 JavaScript 一起使用

只需使用 EntitySchema 即可获得具有清除身份映射的新副本。

¥Since MikroORM 3.2, we can use EntitySchema helper to define own entities without decorators, which works also for Vanilla JavaScript.

本节 中阅读有关 EntitySchema 的更多信息。

¥Read more about EntitySchema in this section.


¥Here is an example of such entity:

import { Collection, EntitySchema } from '@mikro-orm/core';
import { Book } from './Book.js';
import { BaseEntity } from './BaseEntity.js';


* @property {number} id

* @property {Date} createdAt

* @property {Date} updatedAt

* @property {string} name

* @property {string} email

* @property {number} age

* @property {boolean} termsAccepted

* @property {string[]} identities

* @property {Date} born

* @property {Collection<Book>} books

* @property {Book} favouriteBook

* @property {number} version

* @property {string} versionAsString
export class Author extends BaseEntity {


* @param {string} name

* @param {string} email
constructor(name, email) {
super(); = name; = email;
this.books = new Collection(this);
this.createdAt = new Date();
this.updatedAt = new Date();
this.termsAccepted = false;


export const schema = new EntitySchema({
class: Author,
properties: {
name: { type: 'string' },
email: { type: 'string', unique: true },
age: { type: 'number', nullable: true },
termsAccepted: { type: 'boolean', default: 0, onCreate: () => false },
identities: { type: 'string[]', nullable: true },
born: { type: DateType, nullable: true, length: 3 },
books: { kind: '1:m', entity: () => 'Book', mappedBy: book => },
favouriteBook: { kind: 'm:1', type: 'Book' },
version: { type: 'number', persist: false },

不要忘记提供 namepath 模式参数以及 entityschema 导出。

¥Do not forget to provide name and path schema parameters as well as entity and schema exports.

引用 kind 参数可以是以下之一(其中 SCALAR 是默认值):

¥Reference kind parameter can be one of (where SCALAR is the default one):

enum ReferenceKind {
SCALAR = 'scalar',
ONE_TO_ONE = '1:1',
MANY_TO_ONE = 'm:1',
ONE_TO_MANY = '1:m',
MANY_TO_MANY = 'm:n',
EMBEDDED = 'embedded',


¥We can register our entities as usual:

const orm = await MikroORM.init({
entities: [Author, Book, BookTag, BaseEntity],
dbName: 'my-db-name',

我们还可以将 EntitySchema 实例传递给 entities 数组。

¥We can also pass the EntitySchema instance to the entities array.

有关纯 JavaScript 实体定义的更多示例,请查看 Express JavaScript 示例

¥For more examples of plain JavaScript entity definitions take a look Express JavaScript example.